PO Box 1293, Olympia Wa, 98507 Organize@OlympiaIWW.com (564) 225-2472

Tag: Prison Strike

Statement regarding the ongoing Nationwide Prison Strike issued August 22, 2018, Day 2 of the strike.

Issued by the Prison Strike Media Team Amani Sawariofficial outside media representative of Jailhouse Lawyers Speakprisonstrikemedia@gmail.com Jared WareFreelance Journalist covering prisoner movementsjaybeware@gmail.com@jaybeware on Twitter Brooke Terpstra Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (IWOC)National Media Committeebrooke@incarceratedworkers.org@IWW_IWOC on twitter StatementAugust 22, 2018 So… Read More

Prisoners all across the country go on strike against Slave Labor!

On August 21st, the anniversary of the killing of Black Panther George Jackson, prisoners all over the country went on strike. There are sit-ins, work-stoppages, commissary boycotts, and other actions happening till September 9th, the anniversary of the… Read More

IWOC Endorses National Prison Strike and Pledges Support

Whereas, trusted comrades, collectives, and networks behind the prison walls have convened, called for a “National Prison Strike” from August 21 to Sept 9, 2018, issued a set of demands and guidelines and requested outside support, Whereas, we,… Read More