PO Box 1293, Olympia Wa, 98507 Organize@OlympiaIWW.com (564) 225-2472

Statement on Charlottesville

Fellow Workers and Comrades,
Todays attack, in Charlottesville Virginia, on our friends, by White Supremacists, stirs deep emotions of anger and sadness. The Olympia Industrial Workers of the World extend our deepest respect and sympathy to those who were attacked in such a cowardly way and we strongly condemn the actions of those who perpetuated it.
We stand against fascists in all their forms and in all venues. They serve only to attack and divide the working class.
Those who were willing and able to stand up against these White Supremacists today in Charlottesville have our gratitude and support such as it is.
On a personal note, I grew up in Virginia not far from Charlottesville, and while I am sickened to see such hatred and racism occur in my home I am also hearted by the show of love and solidarity that stood against it.
Stay strong brothers and sisters for the struggle continues…
In Solidarity,
Dylan B.
Olympia General Membership Branch
of the
Industrial Workers of the World